About Me
My name is Sean Wichert, Sr. and I am based in Round Rock, Texas.
Is my experience worth reading the rest of this About me Shopify page?
This article is just a piece of the wisdom I have learned from the past decade while freelancing via Craiglist since 2007 for one out of a hundred of unique startups and a medium sized business with over 1500 employees in the United States Internet Service Provider market.
My corporate experience working F/T for teleNetwork where I hand coded a Front End ( Client-Side ) HelpDesk Ticketing App for their remote Tech Support team to help troubleshoot everything from networking / connectivity issues for 6 of America’s largest ISPs to Remove PC Tuneups, Software/Hardware Troubleshooting, Virus Removals & more.
From October 2016 to March 2018, I had the opportunity to learn from and serve with a fantastic team of Marketing Professionals over at ApricotLaw Inc who specialize in SEO & PPC for Law Firms nationwide.
As I continue to learn & gain valuable experience, here’s the growing list of trendy resources I have found valuable for use in creating a website, storefront, designing, developing testing them out to help start and update a business online.
- SEO &/or PPC ( the most important part of all of these is getting people to a website that works and people know how to use )
- Cross browser / device testing ( https://crossbrowsertesting.com ) ( I have personally invested loads of time & money customizing the look & functionality of a website(s) on the one or more devices, browser and screen resolutions I own and have no idea if their customers / visitors see anything close to the presentation. Let’s do our best to consider a website that works well is one that is consistently accessible to as many people as possible regardless of what device / screen resolution or OS we visit it on. )
- WordPress, Shopify, WPEngine, GoDaddy ( CMS / Hosting )
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PhP ( Development )
- Photoshop, InVision, Sketch, Xd, UXPin ( Design & Prototyping )
- Basecamp, Asana, Slack ( for teams / project management )
- Google Apps ( Data Management, also integrates with WordPress by the way, but almost everything does because WordPress is super popular. )
My favorite 3 Portfolio Examples of Responsive sites I have worked on:
With regard to charging a Flat Fee:
Let’s say your marketing budget is $100,000 per month including creating or upgrading / updating a website &/or App.
I’d love to offer 3 suggestions whether you hire me or not so you know why I charge what I charge and work by the hour instead of providing flat rates that create unwise, unnecessary pressure for the investor ( you / your team ) or whoever you hire to help you win:
- Use a premium Theme that has been cross browser, device and operating system tested.
- If you are only adding a set number of pages, use a responsive HTML / CSS / Javascript theme because they load faster than self hosted, “dynamic” websites.
- Planning on selling products or services? Use Shopify or a premium WordPress Theme with something like WooCommerce for example to process orders and handle tax, shipping, digital delivery, recurring payments and more.
Best case scenario you have these 5 items completed which is not likely. ( Note: I don’t expect this to be the case. I simply list these to provide some insight in to how much goes in to having a website that works. )
- Logo
- Stock or professional photos &/or video loops or short video clips ( all compressed for site load times to be minimal )
- Images are perfectly sized for the stock theme purchased in an effort to reduce pixelation on all popular screen resolutions from 4k displays down to 3rd generation smartphones ( Consider Apple Retina displays load images at 2x the pixel resolution than non-retina displays )
- Video(s), if applicable, also compressed and kept to a very short duration if self hosted or used as a background video loop for example to keep page file size low
- Site navigation planned out, contact information setup and other items
Your $100k monthly budget may be much more than you really need to spend to get a website that works up and invest enough to get qualified customers to your website / storefront.
Hopefully, after reading this email, you are wiser and consider marketing / seo if you have not thus far. Keep in mind, I am no SEO / Marketing expert; however, in my 11 years of experience I have only seen a handful of the website owners maintain their websites for more than 6 months without SEO / Marketing budgets.
I have worked on a few other small business websites who are still in business and websites still are online, but it is because they had an established physical store and market their existing business from word of mouth with their new & repeat customer relationships following up with promotional email campaigns that match their brand and some sell their products and services on their websites to compliment in store / office sales.
In summary, sign-up for a free Google Adwords account for example to find out if there are any affordable search strings that convert well in your area & market unless you are already in business and growing is the place to start.
I’m a phone call, text or email away.
Sean Wichert, Sr.
Direct: (512) 740-0054
Email: TypoSigns@gmail.com
LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/in/seansr